Prenatal Care

Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy.  As soon as you discover you are pregnant, call Grandview Medical Centre to make an appointment to see your family physician.

Your physician will do an initial pregnancy assessment and follow you in the early stages of your pregnancy.  They will also arrange a referral to an obstetrician.

If you wish to see a midwife, you are able to refer yourself.  Contact below: 

Born Midwives
205-766 Hespeler Road
Cambridge, ON
Cambridge Midwives
73 Water Street N. Unit 502
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7L6
Phone: 519-624-9708
Kitchener Waterloo Midwifery Associates
900 King Street West
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 1G5
Phone: 519-569-8679
Guelph Midwives
176 Wyndham Street North
Guelph, Ontario N1H 8N9
Phone: 519-823-9785

If you are thinking about becoming pregnant you should be taking care of yourself now by:

  • Begin to take 1mg of folic acid daily
  • Women with no personal health risks, planned pregnancy and good compliance require a multivitamin with folic acid for at least 2-3 months before conception and throughout pregnancy
  • Women with compromised health or those with a previous child in the family with a neural tube defect require multivitamins with 5mg folic acid. Check with your physician prior to becoming pregnant if you think you may need the high dose folic acid
  • Quit smoking and encourage your partner to quit as well
  • Abstain from alcohol or the use of recreational drugs as well as herbal medicines

Review any current prescription or over the counter medications with our Clinical Pharmacist or your Physician.  You can also contact Motherisk for drug information or call 1 – 416-813-6780.

Follow the Canada Food Guide recommendations for healthful nutrition in pregnancy or see one of our Dietitians for nutrition advice.  

Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy:

  • Tender breasts can occur as early as 2 weeks post-conception, breasts can feel tender, tingly or sole as well as fuller and heavier
  • Fatique
  • Slight bleeding or cramping occurs in some women, usually about 10-14 days after fertilization. Generally bleeding is spotty and lighter in colour than a normal period and does not last long. Cramp are similar to menstrual cramps
  • Nausea can occur as early as 2 weeks after conception
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings

If you think that you are pregnant, do a home pregnancy test.  These are most reliable (up to 99% accurate) if done 1 week after missed period.  If this is positive and you wish to have it confirmed, call and ask you doctor to order an urine pregnancy test.  If this is positive, make an appointment to see your Physician within 6 – 8 weeks.