
Immunizations help save lives and prevent serious illnesses. Immunizations help the body make its own protection (or antibodies) against certain diseases. They are considered the most effective public health intervention.  For reliable medical information about vaccines please see Government of Ontario

Vaccines are a safe and effective way to give children immunity against a number of potentially serious diseases. Ontario offers one of the most comprehensive immunization schedules in North America, giving your child the best possible protection against common and life threatening illnesses. The current OHIP covered immunization schedule for preschool children is available here: Childhood Immunizations

Every year in Ontario hundreds of women are diagnosed with cervical cancer.  Human Papillomavirus is a very common virus that is transmitted through sexual activity.  HPV has been found to cause cervical cancer, some other rare cancers and genital warts.

HPV vaccine is an important medical advancement that makes cervical cancer a preventable disease.  For more information click on the following link: HPV Program in Ontario